Adulthood of people with profound intellectual disability in the perception of teachers, educators and caregivers –a narrative review of literature




adulthood, people with profound intellectual disabilities, caregivers, educators, teachers, literature review


The article presents a picture of adulthood for people with profound intellectual disabilities (GNI) constructed on the basis of the statements of teachers, guardians and educators participating in research conducted by English-speaking and Polish researchers. Based on and applying the principles of a literature review, 11 publications were selected for analysis – 10 English-language and 1 Polish, developed on the basis of research on various aspects of adulthood of people with ID, in which the respondents were care staff from facilities for adults with ID, and in the case of the Polish publication, teachers and caregivers working in rehabilitation and educational teams (ZR-W). During the analysis of the texts, eight categories were identified that describe the adulthood of people with GNI. This image is unfavorable and reinforces social stereotypes.


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How to Cite

Cytowska, B. (2023). Adulthood of people with profound intellectual disability in the perception of teachers, educators and caregivers –a narrative review of literature. Disability , (51), 131–151.


