The role of grandparents in the development of a deaf child


  • Katarzyna Plutecka Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie



grandparents, grandmothers, family role, deaf grandchild


The article is empirical. The aim of the research was to answer the question: how do they perceive the roles of grandparents and grandmothers of the deaf grandchildren? The study involved 109 elderly people who are grandmothers (54 people) and grandparents (55 people). The research was exploratory. The analysis of the empirical material allowed to diagnose the reactions of grandparents and grandmothers to the news about the damage to the grandson of their grandson. In addition, older people identified functions performed in the family, as well as the reasons that made it difficult for them to perform the above functions and indicated the consequences of hearing impairment for the child's development. Grandparents and grandmothers also emphasized the need for multidimensional social support, tailored to their capabilities and adapted to the developmental and educational needs of the deaf grandchild.


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How to Cite

Plutecka, K. . (2019). The role of grandparents in the development of a deaf child. Disability - Discourses of Special Education, (36), 192–203.