The importance of disability appraisal for the strength of interpersonal relationship of women with spinal cord injury


  • Agnieszka Gabryś Maria Curie-Sklodowska University
  • Magdalena Boczkowska Maria Curie-Sklodowska University


interpersonal relationship strength, appraisal of disability, women with spinal cord injury, physical disability


A review of the current scientific literature shows that there are not enough empirical researches about women with physical disabilities in the context of their psychosocial functioning, despite the fact that the phenomenon of feminisation of disability is increasingly observable. The aim of this study was analysis of the relationship between strength of interpersonal relationship and disability appraisal in women with spinal cord injury. The study covered 90 women with spinal cord injury. The following research instruments were applied: Appraisal of Disability Primary and Secondary Scale R.E. Dean and P. Kennedy, Polish adaptation by S. Byra and Strength of Interpersonal Relationships by A. Zbieg i A. S³owiñska. A statistically significant relationship between the variables included were established, which turned out to be not as strong as anticipated. It is reasonable to indicate other ways of explaining the phenomenon.


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How to Cite

Gabryś, A., & Boczkowska, M. (2020). The importance of disability appraisal for the strength of interpersonal relationship of women with spinal cord injury . Disability , (38), 170–185. Retrieved from