The etiology of selective mutism. Theory review


  • Ewa Arleta Kos University of Łódź


selective mutism, causes of selective mutism, etiopathogenesis of selective mutism


The aim of the study is to discuss the diagnostic specifiers of selective mutism. The author characterizes diagnostic specifiers as proposed by DSM-5 and ICD-10, ICD-11. The intention of the author is a detailed analysis of the etiopathogenesis of selective mutism. The author undertakes this task from the perspective of selected psychological theories and empirical data reported so far. The study refers to: behavioral theory, theory of social phobia, theory of family systems, psychodynamic theory, theory of post-traumatic stress, theory of developmental psychopathology, neurological and audiological theories.


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How to Cite

Kos, E. A. (2020). The etiology of selective mutism. Theory review. Disability , (40), 159–174. Retrieved from