„My Son Has Autism”. An Analysis of a Father’s Narrative


  • Anida Szafrańska University of Silesia in Katowice


autism spectrum disorders, a child with autism spectrum disorders, parents of a child on the autism spectrum, fatherhood, experiences from fatherhood, experiences of a father with a child on the autism spectrum


Fatherhood is an important event in a man’s life. As an experience, it can be incredibly rewarding and developing but also stressful, especially when it involves a child with a developmental disability. Research shows that the effects of having a child with ASD – like the disorder itself – are multifaceted, complex, and debilitating in all areas where parents and family function. Recent years have brought increased interest in the experiences that fathers have when raising children with autism spectrum disorders. The number of studies conducted in both quantitative and qualitative paradigms is increasing. Fathers are becoming increasingly involved in the care and upbringing of their children which allows them to better understand their children’s needs and abilities. This article is a report on a study that aimed to explore the experiences of a father who has a child with ASD.


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How to Cite

Szafrańska, A. (2021). „My Son Has Autism”. An Analysis of a Father’s Narrative. Disability , (42), 112–128. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/niepelnosprawnosc/article/view/6362


