Social distance towards people with communication disorders – autism spectrum disorders and hearing impairment


  • Anna Czyż Pedagogical University in Cracow


communication problems, hearing impairment, autism spectrum, social distance


The article is a research work on the risk of social exclusion of people affected by communication disorders due to hearing deficits and the autism spectrum. It is exploratory in nature. The work is kept in the quantitative paradigm. The diagnostic survey method was used. The results of the research came from 436 respondents in adolescence and early adulthood. The following variables were taken into account: gender, role in the education system, education level, place of residence, type of represented field of science. The results of the research showed that taking into account the average groups, the social distance is small, however, qualitatively analyzed, the respondents would be inclined to include people with hearing impairment and autism spectrum disorders in the circle of friends, but the level of fulfilling partner roles is not possible. The type of disability taken into account in the research is a factor that differentiates the social distance, and among the demographic variables of the respondents, gender and the representation of the field of science differ in the results of the trials.


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How to Cite

Czyż, A. (2022). Social distance towards people with communication disorders – autism spectrum disorders and hearing impairment . Disability - Discourses of Special Education, (45-46), 113–122. Retrieved from


