The application of coaching/s methods and technics in the early childhood intervention


  • Wioletta Dziarnowska M. Grzegorzewska Academy of Special Education in Warsaw
  • Grażyna Walczak M. Grzegorzewska Academy of Special Education in Warsaw


early intervention, parent/professional partnership, coaching, family-based model, ongoing learning


In this paper we discuss the new possibilities for a partnership between professionals and family members/caregivers of children with special needs in the field of early intervention. We suggest that coaching is the most effective form to guide intervention in the family-centered model of therapy. Coaching methods used by professionals in early intervention promote self-observation, reflexion and learning process among learners – parents/caregivers. So the process of the therapy is based on family knowledge and skills. In this perspective professionals use coaching technics to increase the family members competences how to improve child’s participation in everyday family life. This model offers a new view on the role of parents/caregivers, which are here the experts in their children’s therapy, not only observers on the professional intervention.


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How to Cite

Dziarnowska, W., & Walczak, G. (2018). The application of coaching/s methods and technics in the early childhood intervention. Disability , (31), 42–57. Retrieved from