Deconstruction of meanings given to demands by teachers working with students with intellectual disabilities


  • Agnieszka Drabata University of Gdansk


school, duty, coercion, demand, educational process, emancipation, intellectual disability


In a wider sense, education becomes a vague and informal process allowing freedom to the student. Is that freedom possible to achieve for a student with intellectual disability? The student is a subject in the educational process. The teacher strives to realize the student’s potential, to support the student in becoming a better and wiser person. To this end, the teacher acquires knowledge and skills while educating him/herself, achieving successive professional advancement levels. And thus, equipped with the right tools, The teacher confronts the student, providing opinions, dispositions, directing the task requirements, giving the student the chance to follow his/her guidelines with a hope of rising the heights of student’s intellectual, emotional and spiritual development. Does the teacher know what to demand from the mentally challenged student? Is it not that being a teacher means he/she should know what tasks to require? How does the teacher perceive those required tasks students must undertake? The explanation of demands in the educational process through the eyes of a teacher and the emancipative challenges in education and support for students with intellectual disabilities – these are the areas covered by this article.


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How to Cite

Drabata, A. (2018). Deconstruction of meanings given to demands by teachers working with students with intellectual disabilities. Disability , (30), 295–310. Retrieved from