Creative activity as a way towards self – acceptance and self – realizing in person with visual impairment since birth (the case of Szymon Wasiłowicz)


  • Marzenna Zaorska University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn


disability, person with a disability, creative activity, self-acceptance, autonomy, selfrealization


For people with disabilities, including those with visual impairment, creative activity could be the opportunity for psychosocial activating, self-realizing, as well as performing skills and talents compared to people without disabilities. Creative activity helps in identifying and improving talents and aspiring to a set of goals, eventually improving the quality of disabled people’s life and satisfaction. The paper presents a single case study of Szymon Wasi³owicz, a young man with visual impairment; in particular it emphasizes the impact of creative activity on Szymon’s life. Despite his visual impairment Szymon performs a high level of individual activities and achievements, being awarded a prestigious prizes in music, poetry and sport. Szymon’s life is an outstanding example how recognizing the importance of making effort and being empowered to realize potentials one may perform very creative style of life, as well as obtain its highest quality, that eventually leads to meaningful results and successes, regardless of the impact disability imposes on life.


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How to Cite

Zaorska, M. (2017). Creative activity as a way towards self – acceptance and self – realizing in person with visual impairment since birth (the case of Szymon Wasiłowicz). Disability , (26), 220–230. Retrieved from