Lifelong, scientific and creative activity of A.W. Suworow as an example of individual and social ability of a deaf – blind person since birth


  • Marzenna Zaorska University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn


disability, person with a disability, deaf-blind person, creative activity, creative activity of a disabled, creative activity of deaf – blind


Disability, no matter how hopeless and misfortune it seems, need not mean to give up on life and supposing it no longer worth living. Even facing severe or profound disability directly effecting in a serious and complicated life situation, a person could benefit from joyful experience and comapassion that lead to self expansion and many more amazing results as well self-realization and autonomy. Undoubtedly creative activity appears an important factor to overcome limitations and barriers imposed by serious hearing and vision impairment. Aleksander Suworow, a deaf – blind person presented in the paper, shows how to successfully overcome disability by performing creative activity. For Suworow creative activity is an important form of communication. It enhances his self-image and gives him an chance for expression that transcends cultural and physical boundaries. Creative expression is not only enjoyable, but also connects people to the world and helps them convey the uniqueness of who they are, what they reason and feel, and how they learn about themselves and live a fulfilled life.


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How to Cite

Zaorska, M. (2017). Lifelong, scientific and creative activity of A.W. Suworow as an example of individual and social ability of a deaf – blind person since birth. Disability , (26), 255–272. Retrieved from