Opowieści o mieszkaniach z kręgu Schulzowskiego mitu
https://doi.org/10.26881/sf.2018.11.09Słowa kluczowe:
Bruno Schulz, Emanuel Pilpel, Stanisław Weingarten, mieszkania, listy do Jerzego FicowskiegoAbstrakt
The topic of the paper are descriptions of apartments pccupied by Bruno Schulz and his two friends, Emanuel Pilpel and Stanisław Weingarten, included in the letters written by eye-witnesses to Jerzy Ficowski. The perception of those interiors was ambivalent – some accounts stress the dark and unhealthy atmosphere of the house. Even though they come from Schulz’s friends, they prove that his otherness was not fully accepted by them. There are also descriptions made by open-minded young observers, mainly schoolboys, for whom Schulz’s den is a temple of goodness and art. The accounts of the apartments of Pilpel and Weingarten also show problems with accepting otherness. The analysis presented makes the reader realize the distance separating Schulz and his friends from the stereotypical bourgeois culture.
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