Obecność Victora Sjöströma w twórczości Ingmara Bergmana na przykładzie filmu "Tam, gdzie rosną poziomki"
https://doi.org/10.26881/ss.2023.27.05Słowa kluczowe:
Ingmar Bergman, Victor Sjöström, kino nieme, Tam, gdzie rosną poziomki, intertekstualnośćAbstrakt
Ingmar Bergman was a filmmaker deeply immersed in the tradition of both classical and silent cinema. It can be inferred from his comments that Victor Sjöström played a particularly important role in his work. This article attempts to trace Sjöström’s influence on the film Wild Strawberries, on which, according to Bergman, he was to have a considerable impact. The study juxtaposes selected elements of Sjöström’s works with the film in focus and presents a broader cinematic-historical context to show Bergman’s profound connection with the silent film era and the significant role that Sjöström played in his development.