Analyse av kamp tendenser i kvinnefigurers konstruering i Cecilie Løveids dramatikk
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
kamp, Cecilie Løveid, drama, kvinner, kjønnsrollerAbstrakt
The article explores camp tendencies in female characters in selected plays by Cecilie Løveid. In this study, I consider camp as a political phenomenon. Thanks to hyperbolisation or breaking the rules of the androcentric world, camp allows excluded individuals to regain their voice. Due to their exaggerated nature, camp strategies particularly emphasise the problem of objectification of marginalised groups. Camp depiction of fundamental problems enables Løveid to deconstruct traditional social norms. In her work, camp becomes visible in thematic areas related to the construction of female characters or transgressions of stereotypically understood gender. Therefore, it is essential to include Cecilie Løveid, known for her socially critical literature, in this discourse.