Dyskryminacja Saamów w Szwecji. Zarys problemu
https://doi.org/10.26881/ss.2017.21.13Słowa kluczowe:
Saamowie, dyskryminacja, ludność rdzenna, rasizm, 169. konwencja Międzynarodowej Organizacji PracyAbstrakt
The aim of this study is to analyze different aspects of discrimination against the Sami in Sweden. The article describes how the rights of the Sami were curtailed in the past and how the Sami questions are handled today. The study shows the causes of discriminating politics and the effects of discrimination (which are often still visible). The article explores whether the Sami in Sweden are still being discriminated. I also describe the rights of the Sami both as the indigenous people and as the minority in Sweden.