Saamowie i ich kultura codzienna w filmie i reportażu z pierwszej połowy XX wieku – rekonstrukcja tożsamości w tekstach kultury



Słowa kluczowe:

Saamowie, lud rdzenny, film, reportaż, Szwecja, tożsamość etniczna


The Saami people are indigenous people and ethnic minorities living in Sápmi, which encompasses the northern areas of Finland, Norway, Sweden, and the Kola Peninsula in Russia. At the beginning of the twentieth century, interest in Saami began to grow among Swedish researchers, journalists, writers, and film-makers (Jordahl 2014). The aim of this article is to compare the depiction of the attributes of Sami identity as reconstructed in cultural texts from the first half of the twentieth century. The main subject of the analysis is the Swedish feature film Midnattssolens son (The Son of the Midnight Sun) directed by Rolf Husberg and Thor L. Brooks from 1939 and the non-fiction book by the Swedish journalist Ester Blenda Nordström Kåtornas folk (People of the Cots) from 1916.



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2021-12-22 — zaktualizowane 2021-12-22

Jak cytować

Chacińska, M. (2021). Saamowie i ich kultura codzienna w filmie i reportażu z pierwszej połowy XX wieku – rekonstrukcja tożsamości w tekstach kultury. Studia Scandinavica, (5(25), 15–32.



Literatura i kultura