"It was winter that finished Gierek's government" - climate narratives of two generations of women
winter, climate narratives, climate change, women, generation, PolandAbstract
The aim of the article is to discuss the results of empirical research on climate narratives. The research involved 35 women representing the oldest generation (75-87 years old) and 35 girls representing the generation of fifteen-year-olds. The qualitative research procedure used - interview, enabled the collection of narratives. The research problems included the following questions:
What retrospective image of winter as a season emerges from the narratives of the participants of empirical research?
What picture of possible climate change emerges from the narratives of the women participating in the study?
The theoretical framework of the project is the paradigm of emotionalization of climate change. The research results include the identified meanings of winter as a season, an analysis of the emerging significant description categories, and an analysis of the climatic emotions of the study participants.
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