Peer tutoring and peer feedback: Effective methods of support for students in the academic environment




Masters of Didactics, peer tutoring, peer feedback, higher education


This paper investigates the challenges faced by contemporary univer-sities and highlights the need for innovative educational strategies in response to social, cultural, and environmental changes. As the Inter-net shifts the role of educators from sole knowledge providers to facil-itators of student-centred learning, peer tutoring and peer feedback emerge as pivotal methods for enhancing academic success and per-sonal growth.

Central to this discussion are two case studies from the University of Groningen's Masters of Didactics program in 2022-2023, which il-lustrates a practical application of these strategies. The paper also re-views theoretical foundations of these methods, drawing on construc-tivist learning theories and Zone of Proximal Development. Key ele-ments for successful implementation of the strategies discussed in the case studies include trained tutors, well-informed students, struc-tured sessions, personalized support and continuous feedback. These characteristics not only enhance the learning experience but also cul-tivate essential interpersonal skills.

Our findings underscore the positive impact of integrating peer tu-toring and feedback on student engagement, collaboration, and aca-demic performance. This paper advocates for the widespread adoption of these pedagogical approaches in higher education, emphasizing their role in creating an inclusive and effective learning environment that prepares students for future academic and professional chal-lenges.


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How to Cite

Redzimska, J., & Sulikowski, P. (2024). Peer tutoring and peer feedback: Effective methods of support for students in the academic environment. Beyond Philology An International Journal of Linguistics, Literary Studies and English Language Teaching, (21/2), 111–138.




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