Otro lado. An inquiry into the conceptual topology of animism among the Moré (Itene) of the Bolivian Amazonia
https://doi.org/10.26881/etno.2020.6.06Słowa kluczowe:
animism, perspectivism, ontology,, topology, AmazoniaAbstrakt
This paper is based on ethnographic fieldwork among the Moré (Itene) who, together with Wari’ and Oro Win, are the descendants of the last Chapacura speaking groups in Amazonia. I analyze, hunting story and elderly people stories (los cuentos) where the Moré explicitly conceptualize the notion of “the other side” as the realm of reality inhabited by non-human persons (the Deads, Spirits, Mothers of game, etc.). I focus on some topological aspects of Moré animism, such as conception of surface, boundary, space-time, distance markers, inside/outside distinctions. In conclusion I sketch some possible directions for further research in this topological framework for animism. I hope this paper can contribute to the renewed debate about animism in Amazonia and more broadly to the onto-
logical turn in anthropology.
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