Rwandyjskie sądy Gacaca a sądownictwo międzynarodowe - próba oceny efektywności rozwiązań hybrydowych w sprawach karnych na wybranym przykładzie


  • Wojciech Zalewski Uniwersytet Gdański


The article is devoted to a critical analysis of the institutional framework of criminal justice on the basis of the example of the rwandan courts of Gacaca, the revival of which is related to the trials concerning the crimes of genocide committed in Rwanda. The Author evaluates international solutions and local initiatives aimed at bringing justice for the rwandan crime of genocide in the light of the historical approach to the conflict and the international legal perspective. in this context, the Author evaluates the effectiveness of the functioning of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda established by the international community and compares it with the new vision of the Gacaca courts which originate from the African local tradition. The Author considers this local example in the context of a change in the approach to solving problems arising in the national and international space, pointing to the important role of reconciliation and civic participation in emerging from crises, even on the same scale as genocide.


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Jak cytować

Zalewski, W. . (2019). Rwandyjskie sądy Gacaca a sądownictwo międzynarodowe - próba oceny efektywności rozwiązań hybrydowych w sprawach karnych na wybranym przykładzie. Gdańskie Studia Prawnicze, (2(42)/2019), 401–415. Pobrano z