Dyslexia and Visual-Perceptual Factors Influencing Reading Difficulties





reading difficulties, visual perception, dyslexia, oculomotor functions


The aim of the article is to differentiate reading difficulties with etiology rooted in visualperceptual factors from dyslexia as a strictly language-based disorder. It characterizes the functional symptoms of reading disorders caused by phonological deficits, such as developmental dyslexia, and impairments in visual processing at the reception level, such as reduced visual acuity and perception, eg. damage to cortical and subcortical areas. Visual-perceptual factors influencing reading difficulties appear to be a complex issue, as they can exist as a separate category from developmental dyslexia itself, but they can also accompany dyslexia and complicate a child's educational challenges. Identifying the cause of reading difficulties is crucial in the process of planning therapeutic and post-diagnostic interventions. Failure to do so or incorrectly identifying the causes of reading difficulties can result in erroneous diagnoses, and consequently, ineffective therapies for the child.


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How to Cite

Papuda-Dolińska, B. (2023). Dyslexia and Visual-Perceptual Factors Influencing Reading Difficulties. Disability , (48), 57–70. https://doi.org/10.26881/ndps.2023.48.04


