From Vygotsky to Feuerstein. The Instrumental Enrichment method in working with adults with Down syndrome




mediator, mediation, proximal development zone, cognitive function therapy, intellectual disability, Down syndrome


In the first part of the article I refer to the sociocultural theory of Lew Wygostki, who put forward the thesis that the state of human intellectual development can be determined by establishing two levels, i.e. the level of current development and the proximal development zone. It is the right relationship between the teacher/pedagogue/therapist and the development of the student/pupil/ mentee that allows the building of the proximal development zone. Because only such teaching is good through which development is overtaken (Wygostki 1971: 531–547). Wygostki shows in his theory that it is the man who is constantly constructing his knowledge as a result of new experiences in accordance with the principles of assimilation and accommodation (see: Klus-Stańska 2003: 91). This ability to look beyond the existing reality can be realized e.g. through mediation and mediator. It is presented by Feuerstein who writes that skilful mediation is a catalyst for changes in the person's reasoning and stimulates them to learn while solving problems by the student. Therefore, mediation changes cognitive structures. The therapist/teacher teaches a person, in this case the mentee with an intellectual disability, concentration and independent reasoning. It allows for constant improvement of the effectiveness of cognitive structures. The ability to mediate in order to increase the efficiency of cognitive structures happens thanks to language, which is one of the most important tools to code what is visible and felt (Feuerstein, Lewin-Benham 2012: 36). In the third part I present the practical application of the Feuerstein method. It is the mediator who like a bridge helps build / create one’s own proximal development zone.


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How to Cite

Jabłoński, M. (2023). From Vygotsky to Feuerstein. The Instrumental Enrichment method in working with adults with Down syndrome. Disability , (50), 145–163.


