Visually-impaired persons on the sheltered and open labour market – selected determinants


  • Beata Szabała Maria Curie-Sklodowska University


visual impairment, sheltered labour market, open labour market, socio-demographic, medical, social and personality-related determinants


The literature on the subject abounds in theoretical publications presenting basic employment models for people with visual impairment, i.e. on the sheltered and the open labour market. However, not many research papers, particularly the comparative ones, are dedicated to the broadly defined functioning of blind and partially sighted people in both of these environments. In view thereof, the actions have been taken to conduct research aimed at specifying determinants of performing a professional role by persons with visual impairment in sheltered conditions and in an open environment. Socio-demographic, medical, social and personality-related variables were taken into consideration. The Self-Concept Scale by W.H. Fitts, Basic Hope Questionnaire by J. Trzebiński and M. Zięba, The Norbeck Social Support Questionnaire and a survey were used to attain the set objective. The study included 98 blind and low vision persons, 55 of whom were employed on the sheltered labour market and 43 worked on the open labour market. It was found that more similarities than differences emerged between the two groups of respondents, which can point to a great potential these people have at their disposal.


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How to Cite

Szabała, B. (2020). Visually-impaired persons on the sheltered and open labour market – selected determinants . Disability , (38), 83–99. Retrieved from