Other, otherness/strengeness in the educational experiences perspective: The phenomenographic searching of meanings


  • Dorota Krzemińska University of Gdansk
  • Jolanta Rzeźnicka-Krupa University of Gdansk


Other, otherness/strangeness, difference, phenomenography, interpretation of meanings


In the the article the authors present a research study conducted within the didactic course at Belgian university. The idea of the course was devoted to: The Other in education and education to the Other: philosophical and socio-cultural aspects of education in diversity and mainly concentrated on the category of difference and the phenomenon of Other/otherness, which, among other, were exemplified by the phenomenon of intellectual disability. Theoretical context of a qualitative research with application of phenomenography were philosophical concepts of B. Waldenfels and H.G. Gadamer. The results of the research study show what meanings construct the ways of understanding and interpreting the phenomenon of Other/otherness and the category of difference in the research group.


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How to Cite

Krzemińska, D., & Rzeźnicka-Krupa, J. (2018). Other, otherness/strengeness in the educational experiences perspective: The phenomenographic searching of meanings. Disability , (32), 180–207. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/niepelnosprawnosc/article/view/8166