From Tabermann to Mr. Baudelaire. Allusions and popular culture references in the Finnish comic Northern Overexposure and their English translations



Słowa kluczowe:

comics, Finnish comics, translation, humour


Comics, as other written works, contains allusions that serve many functions and might be difficult to translate due to cultural differences. The aim of this article is to analyse the selected allusions and popular culture references in the Finnish comic Northern Overexposure and compare the Finnish source text with the English target text. In addition, the function of these allusions as well as the relevant cultural background are covered. The examples were analysed with Ritva Leppihalme’s (1997) strategies for translating allusions. The article also provides insight into the Finnish field of comics and the translation process of the selected comic.


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Jak cytować

Santoo, L. (2020). From Tabermann to Mr. Baudelaire. Allusions and popular culture references in the Finnish comic Northern Overexposure and their English translations. Studia Scandinavica, (4(24), 93–110.



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