Return to the system? Editorial debate around Zbigniew Kwieniński’s paper of 1980




crisis, social system, historical logic, authoritarianism, structure vs surface


The debate organized by editors of “Ars Educandi” pertains to the question of whether  the diagnoses of the social crisis in the time of the fall of communism in Poland have  retained any value in actual conditions. The text by Zbigniew Kwieciński written in 1980  made a pretext for discussing similarities and differences between that and the current form of political authoritarianism in Poland, the relation between the “surface” of social emotions and “deep structures” of the social systems, as well as on whether the very figure  of the social system has retained its force in social analyses.


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How to Cite

Rutkowiak, J., Stankiewicz, Łukasz, Stańczyk, P., Starego, K., & Szkudlarek, T. (2021). Return to the system? Editorial debate around Zbigniew Kwieniński’s paper of 1980. Ars Educandi, 18(18), 29–48.



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