Pop inclusion – images of a diverse and inclusive society in the latest tv series available on streaming platforms
inclusion, diversity, inclusive society, tv seriesAbstract
The article aims to present, using selected examples, the phenomenon known as pop inclusion. In the latest tv series (both completely new ones and continuations) one can observe a universal pattern of creating the presented world, in which the obligatory rule is to differentiate the main and supporting characters in a way that directly reflects the assumptions of an inclusive society in an exemplary way. Particular attention is paid to the way the threads of people with disabilities are presented, whose presence is only one of many cases of maximum diversity of features characterizing the heroines and heroes of a given production. Pop inclusion refers to the specific and increasingly common use of inclusive themes in popular culture. Conseqently, it is worth considering to what extent the constant presence of inclusive issues in the latest tv series is related to well thought-out popularization activities in this area. Therefore, it is also about a new consideration of didactic (pedagogical) aspects of popular culture texts.
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