A silent child in culture and education – film discourse analysis





non-speaking children, culture, education, pathology, diversity policy


The position of not speaking (mutism, aphonia, mute, aphasia) concerns both the identification of the biopsychic causes of this state and its socio-cultural consequences. While the medical assistance of language development disorders, i.e. the diagnosis and neurological therapy, does not raise any doubts as to the controversy, social, including school assistance of a non-speaking child is still an unrelated, strange and incomprehensible phenomenon. As in any other case of a child's developmental and educational difficulties (needs), the provision of services is irreparable from the point of view of the medical system (health problem inherent in the child) or in the context of the social model, and therefore environmental and social barriers can be identified that hinder, limit or preventing the non-speaking student role from functioning. Concerning the conduct between medical and school approaches to the non-speaking child's situation, due to the consideration of inclusive assessment. The cultural context of the silent child was also indicated as one of the most popular “narrative prostheses” used in literature and film art.


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How to Cite

Wlazło, M. (2023). A silent child in culture and education – film discourse analysis. Disability , (51), 45–57. https://doi.org/10.26881/ndps.2023.51.02


