The intersectional dimension of Polish press discourse of the disability and old age
disability, old age, intersectionality, press discourse, discourse analysis, ablism, ageismAbstract
Media discourse of disability and old age obliged not only to reflection on the discourse of socialy important phonomenons and topics, but also on the reasons and conseqences of their mutual apperance in journalistic materials. There are more and more texts in which the old age topic ap-pears together with the questions about the functioning level of the elderly people. The quality of life in an old age is — on the one hand — the biological matter (of the psychophysical state), but — on the other hand — the social matter (of the solitude, support, care, livelihood). The themes of the old age and disability are sometimes identical, particulary when they concern the usament of modern technologies in the improwment of the quality of life of people with disabilities or/and in the late old age. The intersectional feminism was presented in the article as the key research perspective in the area of the interdisciplinary disability studies and, at the same time, as the important theoretical frame of the disability and old age media discourse. The example of the disability and old age discourse in the selected press texts was based on the areas of the disability and old age intersection indicated in the article.
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