Positive changes in perception of mothers of children with disability – structure and determinants


  • Stanisława Byra UMCS in Lublin
  • Monika Parchomiuk UMCS in Lublin


posttraumatic growth, mothers of children with disability, involvement in growth process/growth initiative, basic hope, self-efficacy


The article presents the results of own research on posttraumatic growth of mothers of children with disabilities. In the analyzes, the structure of this growth was defined in its basic areas, such as changes in self-perception, relationships with others, appreciation of life and the spiritual changes. Also checked the relationship between growth (in the general and specific areas) and the involvement in the growth process, including confidence in making changes, planning and realizing goals, striving for life balance, searching for new opportunities. Analyzing the character of the relationship between growth and growth initiative (involvement), the moderating variables – basic hope and self-efficacy were examined. 102 mothers of children with intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorders and with mobility impairment participated in the research. The following tools were used: The Post-traumatic Growth Inventory, Kwestionariusz Nadziei Podstawowej BHI-12, Skala Uogólnionej Własnej Skutecznooeci, Skala Zaangażowania w Proces Osobistego Wzrastania. Significant positive correlations of growth in its general dimension and some areas with selected involvement indicators have been shown, as well as the predictive contribution of some involvement indicators in determining the growth process. The moderating role of basic hope and self-efficacy in shaping the relationship between involvement in the growth process and positive changes in mothers of children with disability was confirmed.


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How to Cite

Byra, S., & Parchomiuk, M. (2018). Positive changes in perception of mothers of children with disability – structure and determinants. Disability , (30), 324–342. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/niepelnosprawnosc/article/view/8512