Self-awareness of emotions and social competence of students with visual impairments at the age of early adolescence


  • Izabella Kucharczyk Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej w Warszawie


self – awareness, social competence, students with visual impairments


The purpose of this article is to present the results of a research devoted to establishing relations beteween self-awareness and social competence of students with visual impairments in early adolescence. There were two questionnaires used in the study: Emotion Awareness Questionnaire – Revised EAS-30-R. Rieffe, P. Oosterveld, A.C. Miers, M.M. Terwogt (2008) in the Polish adaptation of I. Kucharczyk and A. D³u¿niewska and Social Competence Scale (SCS) P.M. Valkenburg, P.M, J. Peter (2008) in the Polish adaptation of I. Kucharczyk and A. D³u¿niewska. The research group consisted of 30 students with visual impairments and 30 students without visual impairments at the age of early adolescence.


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How to Cite

Kucharczyk, I. (2017). Self-awareness of emotions and social competence of students with visual impairments at the age of early adolescence. Disability , (26), 43–57. Retrieved from