Ułożyć świat na nowo. Rekonstrukcja koncepcji Tima Ingolda (cz. II)
https://doi.org/10.4467/254395379EPT.17.014.9250Słowa kluczowe:
Tim Ingold, organism, perception, environment, education, meshwork, correspondenceAbstrakt
The aim of this paper is a reconstruction of Tim Ingold’s theoretical proposal. The present text is the second of a three-part study t hat w ill be published in subsequent volumes of “Ethnography”. This section presents Ingold’s considerations regarding the organism and perception. Author try to merge all the elements (environment, things, organism and perception) in order and present Ingold’s theory. In the following article Author will close the series of articles with a conclusion regarding the possible use of Ingold’s theory in ethnographic research, including sensory ethnography.
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