Asking about a Human City – Eight Pieces of Advice by Jane Jacobs




city for people, Jane Jacobs, Le Corbusier, Ebeznard Howard, ideal city, urban practices, urban diversity, city pavement


According to the author the most important criteria of evaluating cities are those that take into account the needs and expectations of their inhabitants, who are their most important users. Ebeznard Howard and Le Corbusier thought that it was possible to invent, design and arrange a city in advance, according to a single idea. The failures of their projects demonstrated the fallacy of this approach. According to Jane Jacobs, observing urban life and practicing it is the best starting point for developing criteria for evaluation of the city. This approach leads to an appreciation of the role of the pavement, a leisurely street, frontage buildings and the multifunctionality of quarters. Their proper functioning stimulates the development of neighbourly and social bonds. It makes the city a human city.


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How to Cite

Dymarski, Z. (2023). Asking about a Human City – Eight Pieces of Advice by Jane Jacobs. Karto-Teka Gdańska, (2(13), 3–16.

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