Visual impairment acquired in late adulthood and the quality of life


  • Kornelia Czerwińska The Maria Grzegorzewska University
  • Izabella Kucharczyk The Maria Grzegorzewska University



quality of life, vision impairment, vision loss, late adulthood


The prevalence rate of visual impairment in the population of persons above the age of 65 is significantly increasing. Vision loss in late adulthood can result in substantial functional deterioration which generates a number of problems in performing activities of daily living and increases the demand for care services in the place of residence or in an institution. The goal of the article is to present the results of research on the effects of partial or total vision loss on the quality of life of elderly persons. The negative effect of acquired vision loss on the quality of life of seniors has been sufficiently evidenced by numerous research studies. However, the  mechanisms generating those adverse effects have not been clearly identified.


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How to Cite

Czerwińska, K. ., & Kucharczyk, I. . (2019). Visual impairment acquired in late adulthood and the quality of life. Disability , (34), 131–145.

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