The consequences of experiencing sexual abuse in childhood years among adults with intellectual disability


  • Monika Dąbkowska University of Gdansk


intellectual disability, sexual abuse, mental disorders


People with intellectual disabilities are more prone to experience sexual abuse and experience deeper, more harmful consequences of such incidents. The data on the consequences of sexual abuse among people with intellectual disabilities have so far been incomplete, therefore there is a necessity for a multidisciplinary problem recognition from both theoretical and practical perspective. Sexual abuse and the scale of this phenomenon are characterized in the presented article. There is also a description of the research that was conducted in a group of people with intellectual disability, who had experienced sexual abuse. The study group demonstrated a very high incidence of post-operative stress syndrome (PTSD), as well as depression and addiction. The experience of sexual abuse plays significant role in the development of the individual, his wellbeing and mental health throughout his life. The results of the conducted research and the analysis of the literature on the selected topic indicate the need for targeted interventions aiming both at reducing the negative effects of traumatic events experienced by children with intellectual disabilities, and promoting effective prevention strategies.


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How to Cite

Dąbkowska, M. (2018). The consequences of experiencing sexual abuse in childhood years among adults with intellectual disability. Disability , (31), 220–231. Retrieved from