Dobry zły przekład. O angielskim Schulzu Celiny Wieniewskiej
Many theorists of literature and translation seem to suggest that the reception of Bruno Schulz in English-speaking countries, including scholarly essays and works of art inspired by his works, has been based on a false version of his fiction provided by the translator, Celina Wieniewska. Is it true that the devoted readers of Wieniewska’s Schulz have been misled by a bad quality product? Or maybe the writer’s “signature” has not been completely erased in translation? The author does not agree in this respect with Michał Paweł Markowski and Brian Banks. Taking into consideration a broader context of Wieniewska’s translation and its long publishing history as well as the rules of reception, the author proves that in fact the “bad” translation has done for Schulz’s career abroad a lot of good.
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