Disability in Society 5.0 – vision, reality and the post-humanistic doubts


  • Marcin Wlazło University of Szczecin


disability, society 5.0, post-humanism


Disability is one of the frequently appearing issues in analyses devoted to the directions and dimensions of current social changes. According to these analyses, in a society 5.0, based on the Internet of Things, connecting people and devices in one networked organism, functional human limitations will be reduced with the participation of intelligent machines. Some technological solutions are already used in regenerative medicine, while some are the subject of intensive implementation research, and their inspirational scientific context is post-humanistic discourse. The article addresses the interdependence of the development of selected theoretical concepts regarding the future of man and technological changes, with emphasis on how to address disability issues. Neutral and unequivocally positive aspects of the new society were indicated, as well as those whose significance for people with disabilities raises many ethical doubts emerging in the posthumanist discourse.


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How to Cite

Wlazło, M. (2020). Disability in Society 5.0 – vision, reality and the post-humanistic doubts . Disability , (39), 13–23. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/niepelnosprawnosc/article/view/5726


