Disease acceptance and life satisfaction of adults with rare diseases


  • Agnieszka Hamerlińska Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
  • Agnieszka Kamyk-Wawryszuk Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz


adulthood, disease acceptance, life satisfaction, rare diseases


There are few publications on adulthood of people with rare disease (RD), in particular those relating to disease acceptance and life satisfaction. RD may result in the diagnosis of developmental difficulties, speech and communication disorders or disabilities, e.g. motor and sensory disabilities, while maintaining the intellectual norm. Therefore, this group may include people who work professionally, have families, and act as parents. Hence, it is important whether they accept their illness and what level of life satisfaction they have. The aim of the study was to determine the degree of disease acceptance and its significance for achieving life satisfaction in people with rare diseases. The research was based on a quantitative orientation and was carried out in 2019-2020. 41 people with rare diseases participated in the study, they were of a netographic nature. The research was carried out with the use of the following tools: the proprietary questionnaire, the Disease Acceptance Scale (AIS) and the Life Satisfaction Scale (SWLS). On the basis of the conducted research, it can be indicated that the acceptance of the disease by the respondents plays a significant role in achieving life satisfaction. People who accept their illness are more satisfied with their living conditions; they feel more needed; they believe that in life they achieved what they wanted. Acceptance of the disease has a significant impact on life satisfaction in people with diagnosed rare diseases. A higher degree of acceptance of the disease raises the level of satisfaction with the life of the respondents in the sphere of satisfaction, sense of fulfillment and achievements.


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How to Cite

Hamerlińska, A., & Kamyk-Wawryszuk , A. (2021). Disease acceptance and life satisfaction of adults with rare diseases . Disability , (44), 42–53. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/niepelnosprawnosc/article/view/6874


