The Senate of the University of Gdańsk adopted a resolution to suspend cooperation with Russian and Belarusian universities and research centres until the end of military operations and the withdrawal of Russian troops from the territory of Ukraine.
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An interdisciplinary academic journal (a yearly) of Russian Studies, which deals with issues related to the language, literature, culture, history and present time of Russia, Russian philosophical, religious and socio-political thought, comparatistive studies and science studies (bibliography studies), taking into account the Russian component, as well as more general issues provided their Russian material and literature exemplification. The journal is the only one to include an innovative section on investigative philology. A first printing of a scientific or literary translation of a work (or a fragment thereof) by a prominent Russian author, together with a scientific study of the source, is also possible. Occasionally, the periodical publishes scientific editions of newly discovered Russian source texts of scientific importance. The journal is divided into 6 sections covering: I. Studies and articles; II. Translations; III. Reviews, discussions and polemics; IV. Bibliographies; V. Scientific talks and interviews; VI. The chronicle. The journal continuously accepts original works in Polish, Russian and English. It appears once a year (in December) in electronic and printed versions. The electronic version is the reference version. It is available free of charge. Print copies of the journal are available in the resources of Polish scientific libraries. The electronic version in the POLONA digital library: link .

The editorial office does not conduct retail sales of the journal. There are no fees for the authors for text submission, review process, publication, archiving and full-text access.


Appears since 2014.

Frequency: annual

MNiSW scores: 20





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