Zabawa dziecięca wśród E’ñepá płd. z Amazonii wenezuelskiej


Słowa kluczowe:

play, child, adult, ethnographic fieldwork, Southern E’ñepá, Venezuelan Amazon


The paper presents a preliminary characterization of child's play among the Southern E’ñepá of Venezuelan Amazon. I begin by describing my field research among the Southern E’ñepá, and move on to introduce the problems of children's play discussed in the anthropological studies. The main part of the paper is a description of the types of children's play among the E’ñepá and its distinctive features, as well as a reconstruction of the E’ñepá imagery of the child, the adult, and the parental relationship. The final part situates the Southern E’ñepá's children's play in the comparative context of ethnographic data on children's play from other indigenous Amazonian populations. 


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Biogram autora

Tarzycjusz Buliński - Uniwersytet Gdański

antropolog, dr hab. profesor UG w Instytucie Antropologii Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego.
Zainteresowania: antropologia edukacji, etnologia ludów rdzennych Amazonii, teoria i metodologia antropologii oraz badaniami nad dzieciństwem (childhood studies).


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Jak cytować

Buliński, T. (2024). Zabawa dziecięca wśród E’ñepá płd. z Amazonii wenezuelskiej. Etnografia. Praktyki, Teorie, Doświadczenia, (9), 199–218. Pobrano z