A parent lost in the system – about the life of a parent of a child with a disability in the perspective of an autoethnographic study





maternity, disability, support, mechanical ventilation


The article discusses the situation of a parent of a child with a disability, the possibilities of his vital activities, and the fulfillment of needs. The situation of parents of mechanically ventilated children who require round-the-clock care is examined in particular. The text is based on qualitative research using collaborative autoethnography. The analysis of the resulting narrative allowed the authors to identify categories regarding motherhood, assistantship, and building the identity of the mother of a mechanically ventilated child. We conclude that there is a need to change both the social discourses concerning the parent of a child with disabilities and the systemic support of the family.


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How to Cite

Doroszuk, J., & Janicka, B. (2023). A parent lost in the system – about the life of a parent of a child with a disability in the perspective of an autoethnographic study. Disability , (49), 107–124. https://doi.org/10.26881/ndps.2023.49.07


