Teenage students with intellectual disabilities in the perspective of their support


  • Joanna Doroszuk University of Gdansk
  • Julita Wołoszyn University of Gdansk


teenage motherhood, intellectual disability, support, growing up


The article is devoted to the topic of teenage motherhood of young women with intellectual disability in the perspective of their support. The authors present the results of the research conducted in this area – focus interview with vocational school for students with intellectual disabilities. The aim of the study was to get to know the meanings given to the process of supporting young mothers with intellectual disabilities. The analysis shows the essence of support given to young mothers by the school and help in the process of entering into adulthood through the family environment.


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How to Cite

Doroszuk, J., & Wołoszyn, J. (2018). Teenage students with intellectual disabilities in the perspective of their support. Disability , (31), 147–167. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/niepelnosprawnosc/article/view/8187