Rzeczywistość przesunięta – nowy portal internetowy o Jerzym Ficowskim
A web portal about Jerzy Ficowski is not intended to be the complete and ultimate source of information about his life and work. It is rather a sort of draft project with a continuously edited current developments section and many links to interpretations, other portals, films, interviews, radio broadcasts, and other multimedia.
Cholewa Zbigniew. 2011. Mozaika polityczno-społeczna powiatu wolsztyńskiego 1919–1939, Wolsztyn: Biblioteka Publiczna Miasta i Gminy Wolsztyn im. Stanisława Platera.
Kallmann Franz Josef. 1958. „In Memoriam. Bruno Schulz. 1890–1958”. W European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience.
Schulz Bruno. 1995. Fleischfressende Pflanzen. Wittenberg Lutherstadt: VerlagsKG Wolf.