Witold Gombrowicz i Bruno Schulz. Biografie równoległe


  • Tymoteusz Skiba Uniwersytet Gdański




This article gives an account of the overlapping biographies of Witold Gombrowicz and Bruno Schulz. It frames the events which brought the two writers together with a discussion of their literary debuts in 1933, which preceded their first meeting, and the post-war memories of Gombrowicz, who kept reminiscing about his “deceased friend”. The author describes the meetings and conversations between Schulz and Gombrowicz that took place at the latter’s apartment or in Zofia Nałkowska’s salon, their joint undertakings, such as the publication of open letters in Studio magazine, and their battle with literary critics, whose spiteful comments and attacks were aimed at what they called “young literature”. The article presents testimonies of Gombrowicz and Schulz’s mutual inspirations and interpretations, and discusses texts and events which echo their vigorous correspondence, mostly lost during the Second World War. This mosaic of dispersed facts and memories depicts a great friendship between two artists, who approached each other with curiosity and respect, but also with their typical penchant for self-irony. The idea of parallel biographies was born during the author’s work on the research project Calendar of the Life, Work, and Reception of Bruno Schulz.


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Tymoteusz Skiba - Uniwersytet Gdański

Absolwent filologii polskiej i kulturoznawstwa na Wydziale Filologicznym Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego. W 2019 roku uzyskał stopień naukowy doktora nauk humanistycznych. Jego zainteresowania naukowe koncentrują się wokół literatury międzywojennej oraz science fiction. Członek Pracowni Schulzowskiej, redaktor czasopisma „Ręcznik”, od wielu lat związany z Centrum Sztuki Współczesnej ŁAŹNIA w Gdańsku. Publikował teksty w „Schulz/Forum”, „Blizie” oraz „Czasie Kultury”.




Jak cytować

Skiba, T. (2020). Witold Gombrowicz i Bruno Schulz. Biografie równoległe. Schulz/Forum, (16), 45–97. https://doi.org/10.26881/sf.2020.16.03


