Parents of a child with a rare disease as stakeholders of his education process


  • Joanna Doroszuk University of Gdansk
  • Tomasz Grybek University of Gdansk


rare disease, family of a child with a disability, inclusive education, pedagogical experiment, stakeholders management


Parents of a child with a rare disease as stakeholders of his education process. The article deals with the education of a child living with a rare disease and the importance of the role his parents play in the process. Due to the tasks they undertake and insufficient system support, they have become their child's advocates and became important stakeholders in the process. The authors of the article make the review of research on the education of a child with a rare disease in the area of systemic possibilities and the involvement of parents in adapting the education process to the child's abilities and needs. They also describe a pedagogical experiment concerning a boy with metachromatic leukodystrophy, which is a merger of individual and inclusive education. The summary of the article’s considerations are the possible implications for innovative solutions for special education.


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How to Cite

Doroszuk, J., & Grybek, T. (2022). Parents of a child with a rare disease as stakeholders of his education process . Disability , (45-46), 123–139. Retrieved from


