Sytuacja psychospołeczna ucznia z ADHD w klasie szkolnej – perspektywa dziecka


  • Małgorzata Kowalik-Olubińska Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie


Słowa kluczowe:

sytuacja psychospołeczna dziecka w szkole, głosy dzieci, uczniowie z ADHD


The author’s purpose is to convey the voice of the students with ADHD in the context of meanings they give to the school, themselves and their behaviours. The author therefore refers to her own research during which the younger school-aged children spoke about the situations associated with their everyday life at school. The analysis of the research material acquired by applying the individual qualitative interviews depicts the classroom as a space in which the students participating in the research face a lack of understanding from teachers and their peers, experience marginalization, exclusion and solitude.



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Jak cytować

Kowalik-Olubińska, M. . (2019). Sytuacja psychospołeczna ucznia z ADHD w klasie szkolnej – perspektywa dziecka. Problemy Wczesnej Edukacji, 47(4), 85–93.



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