О старом по-новому: функциональное Использование образа бабы-яги В современном публичном дискурсе


  • Żanna Sładkiewicz Гданьский университет Филологический факультет Кафедра прагматики коммуникации и лингводидактики

Słowa kluczowe:

Baba Yaga, modern public discourse, political caricature, commercial advertising, dual nature of image


The article is devoted to the functional use of the image of Baba Yaga in various communicative spaces, marked by different pragmatic goals. The key mythological and fairy-tale characters are in demand in modern public discourse. Numerous authors use these images due to their high cultural significance for the society, their high “recognizability”, as well as the rich pragmatic potential of the images themselves. Theauthor considers the main areas of use of Baba Yaga’s image: political and social caricature, marketing space (advertising of natural cosmetics, gastronomy, food products, services), educational sphere.




Jak cytować

Sładkiewicz, Żanna. (2017). О старом по-новому: функциональное Использование образа бабы-яги В современном публичном дискурсе. Studia Rossica Gedanensia, (4), 122–138. Pobrano z https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/SRG/article/view/51



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