Of the investigative philology. Once again on Alexander Gilarevsky, the forensic medical examiner of Sergey Yesienin


  • Grzegorz Ojcewicz Police Academy in Szczytno, University of Warmia and Mazury


investigative philology, Alexandr Gylarevsky, expert witness, forensic handwriting analysis, autopsy of Sergey Yesienin in Obuchovsky Hospital


In this article the author mentions Alexander Gilarevsky, a forensic medical examiner, who conducted the autopsy of Sergey Yesienin in Obuchovsky Hospital, Leningrad, on 29 XII 1925. Thanks to getting to new documents it was possible to update the previous findings described in the monograph on The Murder of Sergey Yesienin. (2009) The author concludes that Alexander Gilarevsky was probably born in 1855, he was not a Professor of Medicine, he never had an academic degree, and he never dabbled in any research or didactics. Nevertheless, those facts do not determine that the Leningrad forensic medical examiner did not have the medical skills on a professor level or the attributes of mind that characterized the true professors of the Tsar era, for whom honour was as important as their own life and the judgement of history.


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How to Cite

Ojcewicz, G. (2014). Of the investigative philology. Once again on Alexander Gilarevsky, the forensic medical examiner of Sergey Yesienin. Studia Rossica Gedanensia, (1), 391–408. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/SRG/article/view/6729



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